Tips for Learning Skills: Five Tips to Help You Be a Better Student

October 6, 2018 | By Admin2 | Filed in: STUDY IN UK.

If you really want to become a better student, there are definitely strategies you can include in your study time. However, you must keep in mind that it will not only be someone to be a better student. The study is an active action. It is in the current state above and it means that it continues! If you want to focus on existing materials, you can become a better student with simple, ever-changing strategies.

Getting organized All students must do it, but many students fail here. This is one of the most important steps. Get the tools you need, wherever you are, and develop a learning mindset that prepares the brain for the information available. Your work area should be free of noise and distractions and, if possible, turn off the phones so that your learning appointments and learning space are synchronized.
Keep the notes in the class, but you should also check your notes regularly. Many systems work, but set up a system that encrypts or encodes colors so that terms (vocabulary), people, and dates are clear and unambiguous. Then you can create charts or tables to show how these three elements work together. This gives his studies a real depth, because learning is not just facts, but relationships between them. (It is helpful to rewrite your course notes in these selectable categories after taking notes in the Notes section, but do not wait too long, it is best to do so after the semester, when the content is new to you! )
As a job, devote a specific study time to your learning. Ideally, you should learn in blocks of 30 minutes, separated by commas. Enjoy times when you know you are better prepared and interested. Do not put a block of lessons at 1:30 pm if you are still sleepy after lunch! If you set a date for the study, you should learn to work better!
Ask questions about the article as if you were the instructor. What can the coach ask if he tries to travel? Ask the toughest questions you can ask and answer them! This leads to new connections and deeper reflection on the subject. If you do, your understanding will increase considerably.
Test the “meaning” of the article. The more you can connect your five senses to existing materials, the easier it will be to learn. What does the article or topic look like? Draw it so that your feelings and touch are connected. How olerĂ­as? Imagine that or try to feel something about the article. For example, if you study part of the story, you feel the saddle of horses or the smell of salt water in the sea or the smoke of gunpowder. If you can connect your senses, you will remember many things. Look, touch, test, feel, listen to your study as much as possible.
To have a better student, better systems are needed. You can do some of these things, but you can add things that are not these. If you want to be a better student, but do not use these tips, start now. The difference would be incredible!


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