Three points of view on the changeover.

November 12, 2018 | By Admin2 | Filed in: STUDY IN USA.

There are at least three different points of view in lean. The first was Shijia Shingo’s industrial engineering perspective.

There are discussions about the effects of Shingo on the Toyota system.
The fact is that after 1955, he took industrial engineering courses at Toyota for more than 25 years. The people who performed Lean looked at the underlying design principles. Lin felt in terms of producing non-stocked products with minimal stock.
The previous commentary by Dan Jones contains a grain of truth that Toyota has never been interested in theory, but only in practice.

Chingo was a visionary and an engineer, and his theory has been explained since 1946.
The theory was that manufacturing is a network of processes (product flows) and operations, and production without inventory means concentration in the flow rather than individual operational efficiency. This was based on Henry Ford’s argument that the longer a feature in the system, the more expensive it became, while Sloan and General Motors did the opposite. To what extent has Toyota been influenced by this theory, or to what extent is Schengo’s theory only an explanation of Toyota’s growing practice, a parallel between theory and practice? ? The general theory behind this is the theory of demand amplification resulting from the study of the dynamics of the system.

The second perspective is Professor Fujimoto’s evolving learning perspective, which is described in detail in his book Toyota Evolution of the Manufacturing System. I think the evolutionary perspective is particularly useful for explaining the operation of Toyota’s production system. Professor Fujimoto identifies three features of the Toyota education system: reliable standard methods, reliable problem-solving techniques, and experiments.
I also doubt that Toyota describes it in this way, although I’m sure the focus is on standard methods. Professor Fujimoto explains not only how Lean has evolved at Toyota, but also provides valuable insight into how companies develop their own implementation strategy.

The third perspective is that of Thomas Jonesson, who studied for his book Profit after Measurement at Toyota USA. Johnson’s theory is that Toyota is managed “by means of resources” and not by “results-based management”. This means that they focus on the process and follow the results because they understand the process and do not stray from the task through natural variation common to all natural systems.

The consideration of independence by Jidoka is an example of a multi-perspective approach. In most descriptions, this is one of the pillars of Toyota’s production system, but its interpretation is very different.

Jidoka is basically a process of separating people from machines. This was the foundation of Toyota’s initial business, while Toyoda patented a device that prevented the Knoll from breaking the wire.

This means that the workers did not have to watch the loom to react to a broken wire. The word has been applied to any system that allows the machine to react to problems rather than relying on the operator’s note.
From a technical point of view, this is a form of automation designed to avoid waste: waste the operator looking at the machine instead of performing a value-added task. From a process management point of view, this is a form of poka-yoke that allows the process to examine and stop errors passed on to other processes or the customer, a form of control over the process. process. From a learning perspective, it’s a way of getting people out of the artificial vision problem and allowing them to participate in value-added activities. This last perspective was considered “respect for the people”.

How to explain the effects of Jidoka? How are you trying to implement Lean? Do you see this as a way of eliminating waste from the process, controlling processes or developing human resources? In fact, under these three aspects, we must recognize the three in our attempts to simulate the success of Toyota, the ultimate goal of the companies that apply it. The narrow perspective of waste disposal is much lost.

Many companies have struggled to implement a lean approach. One reason may be that they know very little about tilt and try to copy the elements of the surface of the process.


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